Saturday, 9 July 2011

How to Rank In Bing

I was doing an update of my hubpage on the subject, but had so much material that I turned it into an ebook.

It's called Search Engine Optimization For Bing and is available from Smashwords for $1.99

Click on the book cover below to go to Smashwords:


  1. Hi,

    Congrats on producing an ebook. :) I hope it sells well.

    Best Regards


  2. How long did it take you to write up and compile the ebook?

    Best of luck with it too by the way!

  3. Dan - it tool about a month to write the book. Compiling the ebook was simple - you just submit a .doc document to smashwords and they change it into all the formats you need

  4. heh, I've never really cared about bing, but I still rank in the top 3 positions most times. Good conversions, but not enough traffic to make a difference most times.
